Great Silver Lake Bug Hunt

Program Description:

Students will spend time at our Frog Pond and field trying to catch water critters as well as land insects using bug nets. This is one of our most popular activities for the primary kids.

Seasons Available:

Curriculum Links:

Grade 1
Understanding Life Systems: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things
1.1 identify personal action that they themselves can take to help maintain a healthy environment for living things, including humans
1.2 describe changes or problems that could result from the loss of some kinds of living things that are part of everyday life, taking different points of view into consideration
2.2 investigate and compare the basic needs of humans and other living things, including the need for air, water, food, warmth, and space using a variety of methods and resources.
3.1 identify environment as the area in which something or someone exists or lives.
3.2 identify the physical characteristic of a variety of plants and animals.
3.4 describe the characteristics of a healthy environment, including clean air and water and nutritious food, and explain why it is important for all living things to have a healthy environment.
3.5 describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps to maintain a healthy environment.
3.6 identify what living things provide for other living things.
3.7 describe how the things plants and animals use to meet their needs are changed by their use and are returned to the environment in different forms.

Grade 2
Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Animals
2.2 observe and compare the physical characteristics behavioural characteristics of a variety of animals, including insects, using student-generated questions and a variety of methods and resources.
2.3 investigate the life cycle of a variety of animals using a variety of methods and resources.
2.4 observe and compare changes in the appearance and activity of animals as they go through a complete life cycle.
2.7 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary including life cycle m migration, adaptation, body coverings and classify, in oral and written communication.
3.1 identify and describe major physical characteristics of different types of animals.
3.2 describe an adaptation as a characteristic body part, shape, or behaviour that helps a plant or animal survive in this environment
3.3 identify ways in which animals are helpful to, and ways in which they meet the needs of, living things,m including humans, to explain why humans should protect animals and the places where they live.
3.4 identify ways in which animals can be harmful to humans.


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