Catholic Curriculum

Silver Lake Outdoor Education’s Wild Peace Project will help your students focus on getting to know themselves, each other, God, and the natural world around them. In meaningful ways, these programs foster connection, inspire curiosity, and build peace in your group – a great skill to develop throughout the school year! Wild Peace Project blends an outdoor education experience with conflict resolution skills, and provides activities for you to use leading up to and following your trip. Our programs are created with the new Catholic curriculum expectations from the Religious Education and Family Life Education documents. Our talented staff will have your class playing, laughing, and learning together.

Primary: Grade 3

NEW! Wild Peace Project: “Learning the Ropes of Friendship”

Program description: Within the broader topic of peacemaking, Grade 3s will focus on what it means to be a friend. Wild Peace Project will introduce your Grade 3s to conflict styles, and have them thinking about their own personal talents and skills. Through low ropes and initiative tasks, your class will experience problem solving and cooperative group skills. We’ll inspire you to develop strong friendships throughout your year, providing you with ideas for peer mediation and conflict resolution when the going gets tough.

Seasons available: Fall, Spring

Curriculum links:

  • Religious Education: Living a Moral Life (ML1.1)
  • Religious Education: Living in Solidarity (LS2, LS2.1, LS2.3)
  • Family Life Education: Created and Loved by God (A1, A1.2, A2.2, A2.3, A3.1, A3.2, A3.3
  • Family Life Education: Living in Relationship (B2.2, B2.3)

Junior: Grade 6

NEW! Wild Peace Project: “Reaching Out”

Program description: Grade 6s will look outside of their “boxes” to think about ways to be actively involved in doing justice in our world. Through a mixture of low ropes initiatives and archery skills, they will focus on conflict resolution skills that can be applicable to their relationships at home and at school. Activities that promote reaching out, trust, and relying on others will help them to examine ways that justice, peace and reconciliation can be spread in our world today.

Seasons available: Fall, Spring

Curriculum links:

  • Religious Education: Living a Moral Life (ML2.3, ML3.1, ML3.4)
  • Religious Education: Living in Solidarity (LS2.1, LS2.3)
  • Religious Education: Prayer (PR1.2, PR1.3)
  • Family Life Education: Created and Loved by God (A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A2.1)
  • Family Life Education: Living in Relationship (B2.3, B3.2, B3.3)
  • Family Life Education: Living in the World (E2.2)

High School: Grade 9

NEW! Wild Peace Project: “Surviving and Thriving: Beatitudes on the Path to Happiness” Program description: We have an exciting new program planned for your day at Silver Lake that will compliment the curriculum for the Grade 9 Religious Education course “Be With Me.” This program will focus on important survival skills like fire building and shelter building. The other part of our day will also focus on thriving. The Beatitudes, found in the New Testament, are like a road map to guide us toward living a happy and fulfilled life. Through a variety of games and Beatitude Stations, students will get to know the 8 Beatitudes, and think of ways to incorporate them into their own “thriving” lifestyles.

Seasons available: Fall, Spring

Curriculum links:


  • locate key Scriptural passages (e.g., the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes)
  • communicate a genuine understanding of the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments, and their relevance to Christian life

Christian Moral Development

  • identify ways that the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes help us understand the Christian attitude toward being with others
  • define forgiveness and identify areas in their life where they are called to forgive
  • describe how the love of God for all people demands justice

Prayer and Sacramental Life

  • give examples of how reconciliation restores people to the community and heals relationships
  • distinguish between reconciliation and forgiveness

Family Life Education

  • explain the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation in relationships