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Grade 3
Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Soils in the Environment
1.1 assess the impact of soils on society and the environment, and suggest ways in which humans can enhance positive effects and or lessen or prevent harmful effects.
1.2 assess the impact of human action on soils and suggest ways in which humans can affect soils positively and or lessen or prevent harmful effects on soils.
2.1 follow established safety procedures during science and technology investigations (e.g. wash hands after working with soil samples).
2.2 investigate the components of soil, the condition of soil, and additives found in soil using a variety of soil samples from different local environments, and explain how the different local environments, and explain how the different amounts of these components in a soil sample determine how the soil can be used.
2.3 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills and knowledge and skills acquired from previous investigations to determine which type of soil will sustain life.
2.4 investigate the process of composting, and explain some advantages an disadvantages of composting.
2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including clay, sand, loam, pebbles, earth materials, and soil.
3.1 identify and describe the different types of soils.
3.2 identify additives that might be in soils but that cannot always be seen.
3.3 describe the interdependence between the living and non-living things that make up soils (e.g. earthworms ingest the soil and absorbs the nutrients, then their castings return the nutrients to the soil).
3.4 describe ways in which the components of various soils enable the soil to provide shelter/ homes and or nutrients for different kinds of living things.